Puslapis 112

GM in Latvia

ParašytasCOLON 2006 08 01, 18:09
Hoteli uznatj, shto potencialnie nashi gosti skazhet o vozmozhnostji pokatasia po avto trassu so svaimi avto! Skolko iz vas hochet takoi attrakcion? :)
V principe jest 2 raznie varianti trassi: odin-kartingovaja trassa, max skorostj okolo 90 km/chas, vtoroi variant - bolshaja trassa, tam skorostj ogranichena tolko vashimi nervami i siloj dvizhoka. :lol: Takzhe vozmozhna sdelatj kontrolj vremji krugov.
Zhdjom vaði mnenie.

ParašytasCOLON 2006 08 01, 18:12
nu ja by xotel no u menia podveska vobsche miortvaja, a jescio nado proiti techapsmotr, to sam ponemaiesh :oops: dumaju shto mne ne kak ne polucytsa :(

ParašytasCOLON 2006 08 01, 18:15
Nu vi podumaete, i soobshite zdesj, tagda mi sdelaem rezervaciju.
I po kartodromu ja s svoimi iznoshenimi amortizatorami smog poehatj. Ne tak ze strashno! 8O

ParašytasCOLON 2006 08 01, 18:19
nu u menia shtoto s rulevym mechanizmom i s tormozamy neladno, sam jescio tocno neznaju sto tam, nesmotrel svoimi krevymy glazamy jescio

ParašytasCOLON 2006 08 01, 18:19
Vtaraja takaja vozmozhnostj ne budet! :driver: :1st:

ParašytasCOLON 2006 08 01, 18:23
JanZi rašėCOLONVtaraja takaja vozmozhnostj ne budet! :driver: :1st:
tak vot ja i zhelejus kakto.

ParašytasCOLON 2006 08 01, 18:25
I vse iz Lietuvas, vse na trassu poehatj, marsh! :D

ParašytasCOLON 2006 08 01, 18:28
Earlier experiences in our club show, that only a few members would be interested in such an event.
First of all most of the cars are stock, driven every day, so such overloads wouldn't be very good. Of course doing a few laps wouldn't be very harmful, but a few laps is just not enough to feel some fun :)
Secondly, most of us lack any fast track driving experience, so the risk of overdoing it and crashing the car is also quite high :)

The ones most interested in it (as always) would be Lince, Korsaras and seniS - the EVO drivers ;)

Sorry for writing in English, I hate writing in Russian using latin letters :)

ParašytasCOLON 2006 08 01, 18:37
then we can consider to rent a go-kart track. It is much slower with no possibilities to harm the wehgicle at all, since there is green all around, no tires used as bumpers. For instance, when I drowe my 1G GS, it was in 2nd gear most of time, no high speed, reduced overloads. And so much fun. :D

ParašytasCOLON 2006 08 01, 18:47
Well I think it's a good decision. A safe track with a lot of turns would be more fun with any car :) High speed tracks aren't much fun with low power vehicles :)

ParašytasCOLON 2006 08 01, 18:52
Another alternative (don't know about the availability and the costs) would be a go-cart race or mini championship :)

ParašytasCOLON 2006 08 01, 19:03
seniS rašėCOLONI missed smthg, what are the dates of LV GM?
both options would be interesting. wote for fast track day tough :wink:
Well if you drive us in your evo, we don't care about the track :lol:

ParašytasCOLON 2006 08 01, 21:30
For me any track is O.K. I will take part.

ParašytasCOLON 2006 08 01, 21:32
Any track is good to me too! :alcoholic:

ParašytasCOLON 2006 08 01, 22:24
wytska rašėCOLONAny track is good to me too! :alcoholic:
oh.. as ever :ranting: