Paieška rado 434 atitikmenis(ų)

2006 08 24, 11:45
ForumasCOLON For Foreign Guests
TemaCOLON DSM 2G wanted
AtsakymaiCOLON 11
PeržiūrėtaCOLON 26232

JanZi rašėCOLONI escho kupili bi perednij bamper ot eclipse 97-99
Vsio jesco aktualno! Dazhe ochen! Parni iz nashevo kluba postavili IC, i obichnij bamper ne podoidut. :roll:
2006 08 04, 08:57
ForumasCOLON For Foreign Guests
TemaCOLON Detales
AtsakymaiCOLON 62
PeržiūrėtaCOLON 67128

da, soglasen, no cena takaja, potomu shto naverno i on sam ne ocen hochet prodatj... :offtopic:
2006 08 03, 18:14
ForumasCOLON For Foreign Guests
TemaCOLON Detales
AtsakymaiCOLON 62
PeržiūrėtaCOLON 67128

I don`t know much about it. In our club, we`re not satisfied with this decision thus.
2006 08 03, 17:16
ForumasCOLON For Foreign Guests
TemaCOLON Detales
AtsakymaiCOLON 62
PeržiūrėtaCOLON 67128

augster rašėCOLON8O 8O

10k EUR for 2G DSM? unless he sells it with his girl included :lol:
:D Have You seen it? Actually he sells it with his soul and 2,5 year hard work included.. Also, take notice, that You dont have to install this turbo - it`s already installed! :lol:
2006 08 03, 16:23
ForumasCOLON For Foreign Guests
TemaCOLON Detales
AtsakymaiCOLON 62
PeržiūrėtaCOLON 67128

Riebus rašėCOLONja isciu turbinu ot 2G jesli kto nibut is latishov ili boris znajet sto nibut tak bil bi ochen blagodaren
Da, jest predlozhenie: Stranger prodajut 2G turbinu v komplekte s jevo Eagle Talon TSI AWD. Cena okolo 10 K EUR. :wink:
2006 08 03, 09:36
ForumasCOLON For Foreign Guests
TemaCOLON GM in Latvia
AtsakymaiCOLON 171
PeržiūrėtaCOLON 109384

ZyXEL rašėCOLON vremeni jiest, mozem napilnikom sdelat kakoj nibut space wagon siluet :lol: nu i eclipse dvizok mozem postavit, ctobi bylo is dsm'a cto nibut :twisted: :lol:
Nu tak nachinaete! :lol: :lol:
A hodovaju lucshe ot Evo postanovite! :D
2006 08 03, 09:22
ForumasCOLON For Foreign Guests
TemaCOLON GM in Latvia
AtsakymaiCOLON 171
PeržiūrėtaCOLON 109384

wytska rašėCOLONo davai edem zakazanym cherteriniu avtobusu :lol:
no.. uslovie, shtobi etot avtobus bil Mitsubishi! :wink:
2006 08 03, 08:20
ForumasCOLON For Foreign Guests
TemaCOLON GM in Latvia
AtsakymaiCOLON 171
PeržiūrėtaCOLON 109384

Dzhedaj rašėCOLONSkoro oni zachochet, shto by fsio nebyla xorosho :lol:
Vsio eto vriemia ja i chotel "zamaskirovanno" vsiem skazat :lol:
Nu ne tak ploho u nas :wink:
Netu ogranichenii skolko ekipazhov mozhno priehat iz Litvi! Prosto hochem znatj orientirochnuju cifru. Budem ochen radi vas vseh vstretit! :D
2006 08 02, 16:02
ForumasCOLON For Foreign Guests
TemaCOLON GM in Latvia
AtsakymaiCOLON 171
PeržiūrėtaCOLON 109384

Bolshe nikto ne hochet? :roll:
2006 08 02, 12:07
ForumasCOLON For Foreign Guests
TemaCOLON GM in Latvia
AtsakymaiCOLON 171
PeržiūrėtaCOLON 109384

Trassa "Bikernieki" nahoditsa v Rige, no glavnoe mesto tusovki potom budet okolo 40 km ot Rigi. Po krainem mere, tak seichas vigliadit. :wink:
2006 08 02, 11:46
ForumasCOLON For Foreign Guests
TemaCOLON GM in Latvia
AtsakymaiCOLON 171
PeržiūrėtaCOLON 109384

I esche - napishite kto dumaet shto budet poehat v Latviju! (Shtobi mi znali skolko samogona sdelatj) :lol:
2006 08 02, 10:09
ForumasCOLON For Foreign Guests
TemaCOLON GM in Latvia
AtsakymaiCOLON 171
PeržiūrėtaCOLON 109384

augster rašėCOLONbikiernieki :D
2006 08 02, 09:27
ForumasCOLON For Foreign Guests
TemaCOLON GM in Latvia
AtsakymaiCOLON 171
PeržiūrėtaCOLON 109384

Don't scare latvians, I think many of you will stay at TV that day :lol: I think YOUR club members have to vote/decide which track is good to you, and our club will take part in any of them ;) GM is yours and we would be only guests :wink: You are our guests, so we ask you to decide! And go-kart ch...
2006 08 02, 09:19
ForumasCOLON For Foreign Guests
TemaCOLON GM in Latvia
AtsakymaiCOLON 171
PeržiūrėtaCOLON 109384

seniS rašėCOLONI missed smthg, what are the dates of LV GM?
It`s highly possible that GM will be held on 23-24 september. However, we`ll keep you up-to date! :wink:
2006 08 01, 18:37
ForumasCOLON For Foreign Guests
TemaCOLON GM in Latvia
AtsakymaiCOLON 171
PeržiūrėtaCOLON 109384

then we can consider to rent a go-kart track. It is much slower with no possibilities to harm the wehgicle at all, since there is green all around, no tires used as bumpers. For instance, when I drowe my 1G GS, it was in 2nd gear most of time, no high speed, reduced overloads. And so much fun. :D